
Star who brightened my Life 🌟✨

When someone says “Sushant” this is what my mind and heart says,
There was bright star on earth, who loved to see the stars, and the universe,
He believed in humanity, hence wanted to be a good human being
And a good actor before he finishes it all…
He came with a cute child like smile and curiosity and high intellect that no one might have….
He taught us lots of things and learned alot too and he told us how be in present to live a life for real…
He helped everyone to find their ikagai
He showed us that a TV actor can become a movie star and a movie star can live like a common man, with common people….
He taught that the money you earn is of no use if you can’t use it for someone else help….
He wΜΆaΜΆsΜΆ is the best human being I have ever known…. ❀️
Love you Sushi
Feels like it was yesterday… Miss you more and more each day… ❀️❀️❀️

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