
A special thanksgiving note…💙💛

“We must punish mediocre successes and reward excellent failures”. “I took few of my ‘maybe’s wrapped it up in my reckless dreams, tossed it up with some spare passion, and the earth gently shook!” “Failure should be liberated as it cultivates success!!” “Whatever I am today and whatever I am going to do, is the […]


From a Heartbroken Fan

Dearest Sushant, I’m writing this letter because I need to say my piece- to someone who might have heard and understood me. I know words can contaminate the feelings behind, but in honour of my favourite star, I’m going to try. From Kai Po Che to Dil Bechara, I’ve been a die hard fan. You […]


In His Letter Box 💌

Dear Anni, It has been almost over a month now, that you are nearer to the Saturn rings, the Jupiter moons and the Andromeda. Hope you have settled well on the Mare Moscoviense, enjoying your Maa’s affection after so many years, carrying on your own studies, researches and preparing another bucket list of dreams. In […]