
Mirroring Souls

Realisations of life through Spirituality is amazing and astonishing. How Souls of a family are connected to each other in many lifetimes on Earth and other galaxies and Star systems… guiding and protecting. Souls have a familiarity if they travelled for many lifetimes. I wanna know what is the type of Connection with you SSR… […]


To my Twin โ˜„๏ธ๐Ÿ’™โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿงก

Dear SSR, From last year after June 14, 2020, my life is not the same as before. Lots of spirituality, intuitions, realisations that I couldn’t even share to anyone except you… Vivid dreams, sleepless nights, soul consciousness, contracts, life purpose and mission are some of the many realisations.๐Ÿฆ‹ Our stars are aligning but recently I […]


Mirroring souls awakened by SHIVA

The day, 14 June, 2020 has passed and it’s almost a year by now. But I am stuck and my world is revolving around that day still. For days and months, I have been in melancholy. But now not so. Days have become much better as my intuition showed me the TRUTH. SHIVA, the non-dualistic […]