
MY Anything and Everything ~sUSHAnt

Dear sUSHAnt,

I know I am suppose to be writing that ‘S’ in capital but I can silently hear you saying this for all that we talk about you. ‘Its not my modesty but my honesty.’ and ‘All that is good in me is because of my Mother and my 4 sisters’.

I have a lot to say to you and always dream of those long talks with you about everything exciting under the Sun, throughout the starry night!
For now, I obviously can’t talk to you enough or tell you how much I love ❤️ you.

From the day I knew you till today, the love has only increased exponentially and may be because of this, even the pain 💔 of losing you. Your self musings are as if the ‘holy book’ of ‘my world’ but I want to convey you one thing, you are not just a noun in my life because I have still not found the fight set of adjectives to describe you.

You are a verb in my life too that affects my every action, everytime in different contexts. You remember once you said that you would like to change Newton’s third law to every action has an equal reaction but in the same direction!

Same is here Sushi, your every action makes my reaction to my love for you in the same direction! You love, I love, you do an act of kindness, I do an act of kindness, you love astronomy, I love astronomy 🔭 and then you gaze at stars, I gaze at stars!

Sushi, I know I can’t even imagine the pain that you had to go through, but I have this strong faith that our love can cure all the pain. There are many unknown unknowns naa, then maybe our love and prayers will awaken that unknown energy and bring you back to us in this same life.

I may seem to be in control love but I am not,
Let’s just say I don’t want to fly without you or lets just say that I need you for I am just ‘you’ away from my glory!

And I am waiting for that Good morning Sushi! 😊❤️

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